..................….March 2020......................
DNA - the physical me;
reflecting my Maker,
in the very make -
A twisting ladder
from Heaven to Earth, or,
is it from Earth to Heaven?
-The physical me…
What do I look like?
How do I age?
What do I like?
How do I spend my life?
What should that reflect,
but my Maker?
...Coming to know the true me,
who he made me to be -
& Spirit
= me.
....................January 2020................….
Humbling, Crumbling
Mountains of ego turned to sand
by the gradual weathering of time.
Does God cast these mountains into the sea?
If you are lucky He does…
Our grand, high places transformed from sparkling surface to a fine, varied mix.
Sifting sands,
-when examined closely are a different kind of treasure-
Representing not one homogenous type, but many,
sifted together through water and wind and distance traveled-
Yet, the result is unity.
....................October 2018.....................
This is America- Donald Trump and Donald Glover’s America.
Litigious, religious, yet devoid of spirituality.
Where neighbors talk to one another through messengers called law enforcement officers.
Don’t let the devil win. Let that Spirit in!
Behind closed doors- our virtual, video-game children are too afraid of the real world (for fear of real-world failures).
The rooster crows, and the cops come to take him away.
There will be no wake up call today.
........................March 2018........................
‘The thrown of God’
Naomi said to Ruth- I wish you could rest so that things would go well for you.
(Good lesson).
........................March 2018........................
Plant the seed - to break the famine.
The seed of Faith will sustain it.
…………....February 2018…….……..
‘Pray or Prey’
Wandering into the sticky web
my mind all filled with questions
wandering into the web….
…tangled in the web…
…on the quest for knowledge…
…but now I’m trapped….
…………....January 2018……………..
‘To see’
Here we are Jesus…
…sitting in the dark quiet of night...
…I ask you my yearning questions…
…and you reveal to me the most splendid pictures in my mind’s eye....
…and I think of how to make them for others to see…
Thank you father-God for your good gifts and the Holy Spirit.
....................September 2017.....................
Chrysanthemum~ your beauty brings me joy through the seasons.
And, with the addition of some seasonings, you make a tasty treat.
....................February 2017.....................
Laying in the dry winter grass;
Contemplating nature and the heavens and religion.
Praying to God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus,
Feeling GOOD.
I open my eyes to a sparkly emerald wonderland where the Holy Spirit exists in the present.
Yet, as I look behind me, there are ten vultures circling overhead!
They thought I was dead!
In this moment, I am strengthened, soothed, and confused...
I may one day be separated from my nature home.
But, I can never be separated from the Great Three.
...................September 2015....................
(These)tears are a baptism of the Holy Spirit.
A dove comes to rest upon my heart
...as darkness is washed away.
May I manifest the beauty and righteousness of Christ.
.........................July 2015........................
Looking down,
Leaf lace and lichen- (Nature's litter upon ground. The way it should be).
-Perfectly imperfect shapes and patterns,
To be studied, and appreciated, before they return to dirt.
.........................May 2015........................
I cannot repaint the color of my youth.
Just as the flowers cannot retain their blooms.
But, grey is a color, too – muted and subtle and complementary.
......................August 2014......................
In this world, are extremes always so intertwined?
- I ask as I lay on a bed of cool, spongy moss (to escape summer's heat).
The smell of flowers fills the air. Yet, every whif has a faint undertone of decay.
........................June 2014........................
Looking up, I mean way up,
A breeze rustling the treetops and a rainbow ring around the moon,
Luminous heavens of pinprick stars and lulling clouds.
I let my feet fall listlessly, as I echo the joy of creation.
........................May 2014........................
Shadows fall all through the clover, as the first fireflies emerge.
A colossal oak hydrangea is highlighted by dusk's neon afterglow.
And the crickets sing-
Summer love - a gift to the free.
........................May 2014........................
Mind is racing - assembling pieces to an abstract thought puzzle.
Unfocused gaze, focuses on the clear glass pitcher in my hands - Running water pouring from the spigot - sunlight from the open window- water splashing happily around - all clean and clear and bright - this must be the most glorious and beautiful sight to behold. And simple.
God is in the small moments too.
........................April 2014........................
Mother moon smiles softly in the reflecting pool;
Nature's abundance, a silhouette in the deepest shades of black and blue;
And magnolia, in high gloss, glistens.
........................March 2014........................
Ice covered ground, icy pond, bright white sky
Great, gray trees standing taller than ever before
A proud and happy sight.
.....................February 2014.....................
Engulfed in an orange dream sequence
Small waves tickling cypress knees and the sandy riverbank.
I drift in and out of my body like a ghost;
Letting go, yet savoring this moment in time.
Eternity is now.
.....................February 2014.....................
(for Emily)
The devil like a mosquito buzzing at my ear-
Without fear I welcome the wind and rain.
Not knowing, only trusting
The clouds break to a smiling moon!
.....................October 2013.....................
Saturated air welcomes dinosaur weeds through cracked pavement.
.....................October 2013.....................
A golden aura reaches,
Drenching our dusky wooden bodies with hope.
...................September 2013....................
In emerald twilight,
(sparkle and sway),
The meadow is a glimmering temple.
...................September 2013...................
Nature breathes with no set rhythm.
Feathery percussion cupping my ears and face,
Accompany to my repose.
.....................August 2013.....................
Nighttime sounds and the stinging tingle of citronella
Alone in the swamp, I ask God everything
........................July 2013........................
Great forests cut to make farmland
Farmland, paved and built upon
Buildings abandoned in the scorching sun
........................July 2013........................
The sky is a heavy gray blanket
Has it really been so long since I have felt the sting of rain on my skin?
........................July 2013........................
Adrift in your floating glow
I ebb and flow
with a longing for peaceful balance
........................June 2013........................
Beneath great, green branches
We listen to raindrops fall.
Together this familiar place seems new.
........................March 2013........................
Your face like moonstone shimmers
A glow born from darkness.
........................March 2013........................
Sometimes I pretend that I am just a dumb animal;
sometimes it makes coping easier.
........................March 2013........................
With tingling heaviness – face, limbs, stomach all filled with sand.
A prison of anxiety.
Soul-searching for an escape.
...................September 2012...................
I dig a hole in the earth.
Inside it's dark and cool.
Quiet except for the squirmings of the underworld.
........................July 2012........................
Great mass of puffy darkness
welcome to our small town.
And thank you for washing the sweat from our faces.
........................June 2012 ........................
Summer sun pierces my head with searing fire.
I yearn for the cool, green shade of my favorite angel tree.